Here you will be able to find links to many resources in the life of St Andrew’s and the surrounding communities.
From time to time some of the more recent sermons may be published on the site.
Network, Histon Parish Church Magazine (10 copies a year) and the Annual Yearbook are publications which have proved invaluable to life in the villages of Histon and Impington.
There are also links to the many church leaflets.
We have an extensive safeguarding policy and procedures for the protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults.
There is a section on the history of the church building, the stained glass and some of the people who have made their mark in the parish in the past.
Here is a recipe for making Christmas pudding
A group of our musicians have written some new songs for the church which are available on YouTube if you wish to hear them, or practice.
- Life Line
- Tongues of Fire
- One Spirit