Men’s Sports
Not a club—just a group of men who meet regularly to socialise and play a bit of sport; usually volleyball. We meet every Friday evening at 6pm at IVC. It’s open to all who want some exercise. It’s an ideal opportunity to unwind, learn a friendly team game (there’s no minimum skill level required) and meet a few new folk. Give Chris Cox a call for more details on 01223 233728 or email him at
We also run a number of other activities for men which are publicised through a group email and calendar. A regular event is a Men’s Walking Weekend away in May.
Women’s Book Club
Book Club meets once every two months at 8pm to discuss a work of good contemporary fiction. Details of the current novel and next venue are available from Elaine Ife on 01223 232542 or email
Other Courses
During the year we run a number of occasional courses such as a Marriage Preparation Day, The Marriage Course, Listening, Parenting, Child Protection Training, Baptism Preparation and Confirmation Preparation. Contact the Church Office or see the pewsheet or Facebook page for details.