Saint Andrew’s Centre

St-Andrews-Centre-Frontage-300x103The Centre, which opened in 2014, was built on the site of the old Church Halls which in turn had been a school and hospital during the first World War. The history of the centre can be read here.

Our vision for the Saint Andrew’s Centre is of a key place where we can serve our local community and engage in mission and ministry to the people of our village. Our aim is to create a place of warmth, welcome, life and hope.

In line with Jesus’ fourfold actions of invitation, welcome, challenge and summons, the Saint Andrew’s Centre is to be a place where:

  • we are able to invite people to follow Jesus and believe the good news!
  • all people are welcomed with the hospitality of Jesus Christ, whatever their situation and background!
  • all can respond to the challenge to be active participants in God’s kingdom!
  • those who have heard the summons of Jesus to lay aside everything for the sake of the gospel can be supported and nurtured.

More information can be found on the dedicated website.