It is wonderful to welcome you to our church! If anything has sparked questions about God, Jesus, faith, life or Christianity, we would love to help you think those through. We have some opportunities to think about Prayer on Wednesday evenings, we have Mosaic every second Sunday afternoon of the month and our regular Sunday mornings together. You are welcome to them all!
We are meeting together in person at 10.30am, no booking is required so please join us. For those who are unable to join us we can still worship at home via our YouTube channel. Here is the latest service.
We have a loving and unchanging God who cares for each one of us as human beings. St Andrew’s Church, Histon, would like to pray for you and your loved ones.
If you would value prayer, please email prayer@standrewshiston.org, and we will pass on your request to a team of people who will pray.
We will not share your details with anyone outside the prayer team, and our policy on confidentiality is contained within our Safeguarding Policy.
We also have some suggestions and resources to help you pray at home on our prayer page.
Children and Young People
Our children and young people meet on Sundays mornings. If your children would like to join us then please contact Tim Blake tim@standrewshiston.org for details.
We have Under Fives groups, during the week for young families with under 5’s which are all about friendship, faith and fun!
Whether we’re meeting online or in person we have plenty of groups and activities for young people to get involved with. If you’re new here or looking to join a group for the first time, EDGE Thursday and EDGE Sunday would be good places to start. More information about our groups can be found on our Youth page. For more details, including how to join in online, please contact the office.
Pastoral Care
A key priority at present is the pastoral care of one another and our mission to care for all in our parish. If you need help for any reason please get in touch with the Church Office office@standrewshiston.org (01223 320420)
Staying Connected
We send out regular emails to our church members. If you are new to our church and would like to receive these please contact the office.

‘The LORD is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek you.’
Psalm 9.9-10