As God’s children we are called to be responsible with all of the things he has given us—this is often called stewardship. Christians are encouraged to give away a proportion of our time, skills and money to recognise that everything belongs to God and we are merely stewards of all that he has given us. Stewardship is a part of our spirituality and a way of life which means that we seek to use all that we have to continue the mission of sharing the good news of God’s kingdom.
Why does a church need money?
The Church of England receives no money from the government. We are the church, and we’re entirely dependent on the generosity of each other to sustain and develop our ministry to the people of our villages and beyond. Each month we face a number of costs, including Ministry Share (a payment to the Diocese of Ely to cover clergy stipends, housing and central diocesan costs), staff wages, youth and children’s work and upkeep of our buildings and facilities.
How your support has helped us:
Each year, over 100 members of the St Andrew’s community support us financially. This, along with revenue from the Saint Andrew’s Centre and Café helps us to support the church, sustain our ministry and develop mission.
In recent years, donors have also given to appeals to fund particular aspects of our work. In 2019, we raised £15,000 to install solar panels at the Saint Andrew’s Centre, helping fulfil our ambition to steward our environment.
In 2020, we raised over £10,000 to establish Shine – a new mission initiative for our under-5s and their families.
We are incredibly grateful for the generosity of all of our donors – thank you!
Ways to support us:
- In prayer.
- Regular gifts by Direct Debit through the Parish Giving Scheme or by standing order
- Single gifts by BACS (Sort code: 608301, Account number: 20311465), or by card click here to make card payment, cheque, or cash to the Church Office.
- Leaving a bequest to St Andrew’s in your will.
- Giving time – much of our ministry relies on the time and support of our volunteers.
To find out more about giving to St Andrew’s, please download our giving leaflet or contact our Treasurer, Liz, in confidence at
Make your gift go further with Gift Aid
Please remember to Gift Aid your gift to St Andrew’s if you are a UK taxpayer and satisfy the required criteria. Please complete a Gift Aid Declaration and return it to the Church Office. If you pay tax above the basic rate, you can claim the difference between the rate you pay and basic rate on your donation. For more information on how to claim back this tax, please visit the HMRC website.