At St Andrew’s we know that we belong to God and to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. Fundamental to our call to be disciples of Jesus is our call to community. It is here that we are encouraged, supported, challenged and affirmed in our ministry and where we discover who we are.
We enjoy being together but we also understand the need for children, youth and adults to spend time worshipping God in different ways. There are many other ways in which we connect with each other and the wider community of which we are part. These focus around small groups and trios.
In the church, it is vital that each of us takes responsibility for our own growth as a disciple of Jesus Christ; when we do, and actively seek out the places where we can become ‘mature and complete’ (James 1.4), it is extraordinary what the Lord can do in us. Nothing less than transformation into the likeness of Christ awaits!
Currently we have a Holy Communion service on Sunday Morning at 10.30am for which no booking is necessary so do please join us. For those unable to attend in person we also produce an online version on our YouTube channel.