The Church Building of St Andrew, Histon
The first clear reference to the Church of St Andrew is given in 1217 but there is evidence that there was a church on this site at least a century earlier.
In 1270 a new chancel and transepts were added to the old tower. The present tower has been constructed within the outline of the original pre-14th century tower. The present chancel is Victorian and is substantially the work of Canon Underwood and his architect, Sir George Gilbert Scott. The 13th century roof timbers are still in evidence. The roof tiles of the chancel were replaced in November 2004 with hand-made tiles from Cambridge Mix of three colours. The porch roof was renewed at the same time.
The stained glass windows were renewed in the great work of restoration undertaken by Canon Underwood.
The Church organ is listed on the National Pipe Organ Register which gives a specification of the church organ.
Brief details of St Andrew’s peal of eight bells are available here. The bells are rung on Sunday mornings between the two services and on Sunday evenings a quarter peal is rung. A quarter peal lasts about three-quarters of an hour and involves 1260 changes. If you would like a quarter peal dedicated to one of your family members, do let one of the ringers know. The bell-ringers can be contacted via their own web site at New recruits are always welcome.
A full guide to the church is published by the Histon and Impington Village Society.
A memorial in the graveyard commemorates the Histon Giant, Moses Carter.