Easter Egg Hunt and Bouncy Castle | Easter Day

All families are welcome to join us on Easter Day for fun in the church garden! We’ve got Dotty the Donkey’s Easter Trail around the church yard, a bouncy castle and slide, making, playing and hunting for Easter eggs too. We hope there will be something for every child to enjoy. We’ll have a short story time before sharing out all the eggs we find! There will be tea and coffee too.

This is a lovely afternoon to spend with your family and others with a mix of activities to do with your children and the inflatables for them to enjoy.

There are two halves to this event to cater for different ages of children. If you have Under 5’s then come for the 2-4pm slot, if you have 6+ aged children come from 4-6pm. If you have children in both categories, come to the one that suits best or try 3-5pm and be aware that we manage the inflatables to keep everyone safe.

We look forward to celebrating Easter with you!

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