In these troubled times, we have a loving and unchanging God who cares for each one of us as human beings. St Andrew’s Church, Histon, would like to pray for you and your loved ones.
If you would value prayer, please email prayer@standrewshiston.org, and we will pass on your request to a team of people who will pray. If you would like someone to pray with you over the phone, please include your contact number in the email and a member of the prayer team will call you as soon as they are able to.
We will not share your details with anyone outside the prayer team, and our policy on confidentiality is contained within our Safeguarding Policy.
Prayer Central
An evening of prayer for both Histon and Impington Churches held once each month and open to all. The day varies from month to month to enable as many as possible to participate. See the diary page for the next session.
Morning Prayer
Each Thursday there is a service of Morning Prayer at Saint Andrew’s Church, Impington at 9.30am.
Prayer Apps and Podcasts
Lectio 365 draws on the practice of Lectio Divina, where you take time reflecting or meditating on a passage from scripture. It is an app created by the 24-7 Prayer movement.
Pray as you Go a daily podcast and app that is designed to listen to whilst you are travelling, but equally as good when sitting at home or walking the dog. It encourages you to reflect and interact with a short Bible passage in a prayerful way.
Time to pray Podcast from the Church of England that uses the liturgy of Common Worship of Prayer During the Day and Night Prayer.
Ask NT Wright Anything If you’re feeling academically minded Premier’s podcast can get the grey matter working as the theologian Tom Wright reflects on a wide range of topics.
PrayerMate App Do you ever find yourself forgetting that you have promised to pray for someone or a situation?This app helps this not to happen; each day it produces a list of things to pray for, from a library of prayer topics that you have created, draws on prayer diaries, such as the one produced by Tearfund, or church liturgy, including the Collect for the Day.
Here is a list of resources to help us all in praying, do have a look at them and see what works for you.
Bible based prayer resources
There are a number Bible notes that are available that can be bought online or from Christian bookshops. These notes suggest a passage from Scripture each day for you to read and supplement the passage with reflections on the passage and how the passage can be applied to our lives. Popular ones include ‘Daily Bread‘ and ‘Every Day with Jesus‘. Sometimes the notes will follow a theme or a book from the Bible.
Another good way of reading the Bible are the ‘For Everyone’ series. These are translations of the Bible made over a number of years by the eminent theologians John Goldingay (Old Testament) and Tom Wright (New Testament). The books of the Bible are divided into readable chunks and accompanying them is a short reflection, written by the author. A good one to start with is one of the gospels, such as ‘Mark for Everyone’.
Prayer Journal
One useful and encouraging way of praying is keeping a prayer journal. In this journal you can write down the things that you want to pray for and have prayed for. What is really encouraging about a journal is that when you look back at the things that you have prayed for and see the answers to prayer that you have received and through this faith is built up.
Time for Reflection
In these days our times of prayer and reflection are a vital part of the pattern and structure of our lives (of course they always are but we are even more aware of just how important they are now). Mary-Jane Jorden has kindly put together a sheet on ‘Quietness’ which we hope you will find useful.
Thy Kingdom Come
Thy Kingdom Come begins on Ascension Day and is a global prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray from Ascension to Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus. There are resources on the website – thykingdomcome.global to help churches engage over this period of focused prayer. Two resources to note are:
Prayer Journal
Daily reflections throughout Thy Kingdom Come, including Bible readings, prayers, action points and space to write and journal if you wish.
Digital Family Prayer Adventure
Things to do each day alongside the App that can be downloaded.
Both resources can be found and downloaded here — thykingdomcome.global/resources/key-resources-2020