Light Treasure Hunt 2021

Follow the clues to find your treasure trove of fun, food and light

  • Activities at each venue
  • Sweets and other things to collect
  • Hot Dogs and Hot chocolate (at the final venue) for children and adults
  • Treasure Bag
  • The first clue is on the poster above and on instagram: his.imp.holidayclub_ and
  • Please try to bring lidded cups for your hot chocolate at the end!

All children welcome. children must be supervised at all times. Please be aware of social distancing especially at the venues and be prepared to wait if it's busy.


  • Friday 29 October…The weather is looking blustery but dry so we're good to go at the moment. Keep an eye out for announcements if the weather turns bad!

This event is run by the Churches Together HI Holiday Club Team.