Toy Story Time is currently on hold because of COVID


On, usually, the first Friday of the month, Toy Story Time for under 5’s and their carers. It is a delightful, relaxed and fun time for both children and carers. We have many different people come along with their young ones including parents, grandparents, nannies and au-pairs.

Toy Story Time starts with a 30 minute service at St Andrew’s Church Histon with walking, singing, stories, toys, instruments and birthdays. After this we move to the Stable Room for refreshments, crafts, play and chat. In good weather we enjoy the garden and outdoor games. Anyone with under 5’s is welcome to come along. There is no cost. Contact Tim Blake for more details.

The dates for 2020 are:

January 10

February 7

March 6

April 3

May 1

June 5

July tbc

September 4 including free picnic for the children

October 2

November 6

December 4