The place of children in St Andrew’s Church, Histon
Children are a central part of our church. We recognise each child as a gift from God, created in his image and part of his kingdom. We recognise that children have an innate spirituality and therefore their own faith. However, we believe that it is also the responsibility of parents and the wider church family to join with the SJ Club aim; to nurture and disciple children in their faith that they may come to know and love Jesus as their saviour, Lord and friend.
Children learn by doing, far more than they learn by hearing or seeing. They gain understanding by taking part more than watching. If the Lord’s table is the central act of worship for us as Christians at St Andrew’s then those children who are baptised will learn and grow in their faith as they fully take part in communion. We want Children to feel that they belong at the very centre of the church just as Jesus placed children at the centre of his circle of disciples.
To read more, please download the Children and Communion Parish Framework
You might also be interested in the following documents:
Children & Communion -Theological and Historical Perspectives – A brief theological and historical paper by the Right Reverend Stephen Cottrell, Bishop of Reading
Children and Communion – Q&A by Janet Glover