
Every year, many couples choose St Andrew’s Church as the venue for their special day. Prior to the big day couples come to our Space to Think: Preparing for Marriage day. We have been running this for a number of years and consistently get excellent feedback from the couples. They enjoy the day, make new like-minded friends and leave with plenty of practical tips about the wedding day itself and married life beyond. We also have some marriage resources for couples preparing for their wedding.

If you would like to know more about getting married at St Andrew’s please contact us.

We also have a handy Wedding Leaflet for whose who have chosen to get married at St Andrew’s but the best resource is the recently launched Church of England Wedding website,

A rough guide to the cost of a wedding at St Andrew’s Histon:


Calling of Banns – £31
Marriage Service – £514 (includes £40 subsidised cost of marriage preparation day)
Organist – £71
Verger – £50
Choir – £80**
Bells – £160** (maximum 8 bells)
PA Operator –  £25**

** Optional
NB: These figures are for guidance only.