Tim Blake
Sarah Davie
Zoe Shuler
St Andrew's Histon Under Fives | Shooting Stars
Friendship, Faith and Fun
Our vision for young families with under 5’s
We aim to be a place of welcome, hospitality and sanctuary; to provide a little piece of shelter from the storms of everyday life; to be a listening ear, and a chance to explore the hope, love, peace and transformation that the Christian faith brings.
We have a little announcement to make about changes after February half term (20 Feb):
We are pleased to announce that we are continuing with our Under 5s vision after half term: We know that all three groups have brought much joy, friendship and fun and hope that will continue.
‘Little Stars’ for babies and early movers will remain on Tuesdays at 10.30am and we will invite the Shooting Stars group to join in with Shine on Fridays from 10.50am where we will provide activities appropriate across the ages, including soft play, imaginative play, sensory play, a craft, a bible or other story and singing time, for all under fives and their families.
Booking will continue to be through the St Andrew’s Church website/Church Suite. Their will continue to be 20 spaces available at Little Stars. For Shine, we will increase the number of spaces to 28 as we invite those from Shooting Stars to join us and will be using both halls. There will be a few practical changes which will be added to the information you see on the booking page and on the Church website pages under http://standrewshiston.org/kids/ so please read those carefully.
We look forward to many more great times together,
Tim, Rachel and all the team from the St Andrew's Church community.
This is the Shooting Stars page, for Shine click here.
Shooting Stars | now on Friday mornings with Shine from 10.50am-12.15pm
A place for new movers from 1 – 2.5 years old
- Please refer to the Shine page from February 2023 as Shooting Stars is merging with Shine on Fridays
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Tim and the team